Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pics of the year!!

We went to the park in Murphreesboro one day and AAA was having a Safety party and invited us to come and play on the Jump Pad and have free food. So we did and we all got free bike helmets out of it and Spence loved his soooo much that he slept with it on. hehe...
Jayden in her attempts to crawl!! She totally needs to use those arms though. She is working on it look at her goooo!!!! Nice face plant!!!

Spencer grew some facial hair. Oh, how the years pass by...........
Cydeny and some of her friends at her 6th birthday party!! They are all in the bathtub soaking their feet!!! Getting ready for pedicures!! :)
Cydney and her Kindergarten teacher at the ZOO!!

Summer Fun!!

Here is the most recent and adorable picture anyone has ever seen she is a little over 5 months. Oh, she is sooooooooo cute!!!!!! Jayden is growing up so quick!! She is even tryin' to crawl. And she started on eating cereal this week.

Spencer and Braxen going for a drive to save the girls from the mighty evils of _______.....(you fill here) Yep, just got into trouble for trying to drive dad's car :(

Cydney is trying so hard to cool down in the hot summer months in good ol' Tennessee!!
Oh, aren't we adorable!! Spence did not want his pic taken so he is a little "4 year old" for ya. But still handsome as ever. Cydney is wearin' her papa's hat tryin' not to get fried!