Look here is our railing that we did all (well almost all) by ourselves.
PS do you see the white paint streek down the center of the stairs, yeah someone thought that (he) not mentioning any names.... would so graciously help and we make (him) scrub and we scrubbed and got paint scrubber offer stuff and it is still there. We are going to get a power sprayer thingy to hopefully get it off. So perdy huh!!
Spencer and I one day wanted to make a scary haunted house and eat it all up well the gingerbread that we made was to soft so we had to hurry and take a quick pic before it fell again, right after this pic was taken it fell again, so we just ate it, untill we got sick and then we threw it out.
Here is a pic of sweet Jade and my hair lightish (look down....)
And here it is with the "A la Naomi StyleBox O'Wallyworld" so what do ya think?? It is kinda close up I am totally sure I could look alot better but when it is just me and Spence cookin up somethin' good and tastey in the good ol' kitchen then there ya go, a close up I am suprised actually that there is no frosting on us. I am pretty sure that was the day we made the HAUNTED gingerbread house. ooohhhhh..... Scary...