Anywho that is all the pics I have on this computer to show you of this last year as being 4 years old. Boy is he ever growing up to be a little man. He still wears his Spiderman costume. But not every minute of every day any more. Once in awhile he will wear it to Super Target or to another store, he always get a "wow!! look there is Spiderman!" from lots of passerbyers. He loves transformers, bionicles, legos, dinosaurs. His favorite shows are Scooby Doo, Sid the Science kid on PBS, Magic the School Bus, and any super hero show. He absolutely loves to learn about the body, loves to look at all my medical stuff, and loves to learn about muscles, bones, blood. He currently has a catepillar as a pet. Asked for a half wolf, half dog for his graduation present (from high school). He still has TONS and TONS of energy to out last all 5 of us put together. He can right his name, the alphabet, his numbers, read a couple of words draw snakes, houses, people, and all sorts of crazy things. He absolutely loves to go to church and "get candy" from his new teacher, so he said in his testimony last fast and testimony meeting in front of the whole congregation. It was too cute. We will be having a big party for him and his friends here on the 18th, he is really excited, I just need to send out the invites. There is soooo much more I could write but there is not enough space. I am just so thankful that this little guy is in our family. He is so much fun and most of the time has the hugest smile on his face or does the funniest/craziest things, he is also a very caring and loving big and little brother anyone could ask for.