Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I just read how warm it is going to be tomorrow. I have one daugher with the Flu "B" and the other is coughing and nasal dripping everywhere. I can open the windows!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the fresh air come in !!!!!! No more Lysol smell!!!!!! No more sick people smell!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This forecast better be right or I am going to be a little miffed!!
I am sooooo going to bed now. Have a great night, I know I am knowing I have two beautiful days of warmth headin' my way.
SEEZ Ya!!!

Other Pics from last Saturday

We were all having so much fun. And by the time we got to this pose of a pic, well, look at them they are definately too tired for words, but still willing to take a pic for there dear ol' momsy. LOL :) They are such cute kids even when they are screaming and hollering all day long and running like crazy in our little home!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
And that is all she wrote!!

Jayden always the Cutie

Jayden is such a cutie pie. She has this little thing for her daddy's hat and will wear it everywhere if she can. Today it was kind of funny because she wanted to wear (of course) and so did Kurt. Well, you should have been there it was so funny watching Kurt try to get his hat from her. She was a tight grip that one.
She also loves the camera and loves to take pictures and be in videos quite often. It really is too cute.
Lately she has been wanting to be a big girl. We got this backpack in NJ 2 1/2 years ago for Cydney for Kindergarten, well it ended up being way too small. So, I put it up in her closet for later use. Well, Cydney got it down one day and she was using it around the house playing school with Spencer. Well, Jayden one day when everyone was gone playing at the neighbors house came into my room while I was folding an endless pile of beautiful clothing for my daughters that loves to wear more than one outfit in one day, a son who usually has to have some super hero getup or shirt washed IMMEDIATELY so that he can wear it again the next day, and a (superb) hubby that loves to wear two socks, two shirts, pants (obviously), and most of the time changes when he gets home too. Anyway back to the picture and how cute Jayden is. Ok, well, she came in with this backpack and was trying to put it on, it was truly too cute. So, I helped her put it on and she was walking all over the house so proud that she could carry it. And when she fell over it was even cuter because she couldn't get back up, so in turn, I would have to go and save her. What a cutie, she is already trying to put her own clothes on and feed herself. I usually skip on the latter because of the huge mess she always makes, but you know whatever.

In these posts Jayden is just over 12 1/2 months. 17 lbs and 27 in. She is a blabber, and absolutely loves to dance and sing. I will download a tame version of her dance soon. She is a little camera shy. sometimes......

A Little Getaway at the Grand Ol Opry Hotel in Nashville!!

So last Saturday we decided to head up to the local indoor botanical awesome gardens at the Grand ol Opry Hotel. We were there for 3 hours running around and looking at all the beautiful gardens and fishies. It was so warm and pretty in there. On the outside of this place it was a fridged 24 degrees and raining, windy and really cold. Needless to say we are so glad for this FREE place to take adventures and look at the waterfalls.

We love waterfalls. This is one of the ones on the inside. We were at one of the waterfalls and Spencer wanted to get in. There was a nice little talk about not getting in the water and not touching it........