Tuesday, August 12, 2008

July and August

Okay tell me this is not funny!!! This man should not be running for Property Assessor. I can see him now. Vote for me Bill D Boner YES WE CAN!!! What a slogen. I think I just might!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Cydney looks totally beat from the hot day at the zoo, but Spence is totally lovin' it and wants more, and more, and more!!! We all took a really long nap after that day we were sooooo tired!! Spence's smile is so handsome don't ya think!!

You asked for it and here is the new and improved Cydney Jayne Forsyth. Ain't her hair sooo cute!!! I mean really what a sass.
Cydney is donating her hair for wigs for kids.
Isn't she just so adorable. Still clueless how big she really is. I guess we should take he into the Doc to see. Crazy how time flies and she is soooo cute. And yes the flower does get radio frequencies (all the way from France :) hahaha!!)
So here we are another month another summer. I think that huger the flower the cuter!!


Erica said...

Wow! I can't beleive how grown up Cydney looks with her new haircut! By the way I think that is probably the biggest flower I have ever seen on a baby!!!!

grandmaforsyth said...

I love your blog, I love the pictures of the kids. They truly are the cutest. Love grandma Forsyth.

Johnson Family said...

Hey its Maret' How are you guys? Ingrid told me about your blog. Jayden is beautiful, She must get that from her sister! Your kids are so good looking and growing fast. Drop me an email or check out my blog timandmaret.blogspot.com I just set it up so theres not much on it. Take care!