Saturday, November 28, 2009

By the sweat of my brow....

Ok, so I have had this material for at least 7 years, and could not figure what to do with it. Until Cydney got way into skirts. Now, the final products. Cydney's was a pattern and Jayden's was done by pure imagination and it actually went pretty smoothly( let's just say I prayed a lot!) It was mainly the underskirt on Jayden's that I was really hesitate, if you can not tell from the picture it can stand up all by itself (yea!). Yes, all those ruffles underneath, but really it was not nearly as bad as it usually is for me when I make the ruffles. I would take a picture underneath and show you but...... then you could see that I accidently melted some of the netting when I ironed it. ( note to self do not iron netting on cotton setting, what was I thinking??) Anywho, now it is up to you to tell me what shirt to wear with it. I was thinking a white shirt with a red cardigan at Target, that kind of looks crocheted with a bow in the middle. Now if they are still there I am not so sure. Cross your fingers for me....

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