Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving lunch... yummy!

Well, if you know me I always pick out deserts before I pick a meal. This puppy is the Ultimate Pie it is a cheesecake, pumpkin pie with chocolate and peacans on top. You have got to try it I found it on my picture does not do it justice so hop on over there and take a look and be jealous. It was totally yummy and very rich. Here is our dinner nothing to spectacular but I went on over to Paula Deen's website (she is my favorite, some day I will make it down to Lady and Son's restaurant, someday soon) and made
the Sweet Potato Roll. It was great, a little too sweet but good.

Here we are Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

I will be exercising right about now. Kids move over I need to use the tv, and die for about 40 mins. Gotta love Jillian Micheals.
PS Kurt did Jayden's hair, pretty funny huh, oh sweet Jayden we still love you!!

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